"Directed by Lex Milo and produced with CBC Creator Network, the "Bowl Cuts" documentary takes us from a story of an Edmonton Chinatown salon to an exploration of the neighbourhood's favourite spots, past and present.
Based on the project “Bowl Cuts and 爆炸裝 (baau3 zaa3 zong1)” by interdisciplinary artist, Vivian Han-Tat, “Bowl Cuts” tells her journey of repainting her memories of Chinatown into a digital mixed media series, including her newest 3D render.
We have been eager to share, and we hope that “Bowl Cuts” brings warmth and nostalgia, and continues the conversation of how Edmonton’s Chinatown is changing.
You can watch the documentary via the link in the bio! You can also keep an eye out for it on CBC Edmonton local news later this week.
Catch us on CBC Radio:
Edmonton AM with Mark Connolly, Tara McCarthy - March 3, 2023: An artistic look at a classic hair cut https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-17/clip/15969966